Ghent University (UGhent) Wireless, Acoustics, Environment & Expert Systems (WAVES)
The WAVES research group, part of the Department of Information Technology (INTEC) at UGent, has a large expertise in electromagnetic (EM) modeling (including dosimetry) and measurements concerning the physical layer of wireless networks (including 5G) and interaction of EM with humans and animals. WAVES assumes a leading role in ETAIN for 5G-6G exposure assessment, the update of the integrated dose model (IDM), RF-EMF exposure assessment and dosimetry of humans and insects, the creation of 3D-EM insect models, and design of the exposure-aware telecommunication network planning tool.
Dr Arno Thielens
Assistant professor at Ghent University
Role in ETAIN: Investigating interactions between radio-frequency electromagnetic fields and living organisms. (Co-)Lead of work packages 2 and 4.
Dr Margot Deruyck
Assistant professor at Ghent University.
Role in ETAIN: Exposure-aware network planning.
Zisis Chadoulos
PhD candidate at Ghent University.
Role in ETAIN: Examining the effects of human exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic fields.
Pieterjan De Boose
PhD Candidate at Ghent University.
Role in ETAIN: Investigating the effect of RF-EMF exposure on insects by means of numerical simulations and exposure experiments.
Hanne Herssens
PhD candidate at Ghent University.
Role in ETAIN: Quantifying the absorption of RF-EMFs in humans using numerical simulations.
Felipe Oliveira Ribas
PhD candidate at Ghent University.
Role in ETAIN: Conducting simulations of electromagnetic waves in three-dimensional insect models. Performing experiments involving electromagnetic waves on live insects.